
Contact Information

Mark Lam

Room 2305
Email mlam@vsb.bc.ca
URL mrlamphysics.com

Eric Hamber Secondary School

Address 960 West 33rd Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V5Z 2K6
Phone 604-713-8927
URL www.vsb.bc.ca/schools/eric-hamber/

Teaching Schedule and Office Hours

Semester 1 Semester 2
Before School Not available
Block 1 Physics 12 Physics 11
Block 2 Physics 12 Physics 11
Lunch and FIT Available
Block 3 Available by appointment Physics 12
Block 4 AP Physics 1 Physics 12
After School Available by appointment


If you are absent for class, your parent or guardian must email hambattendance@vsb.bc.ca. Please cc me (mlam@vsb.bc.ca) on the email. The following information must be included in the email: full student name, student number, grade, duration of absence and reason of absence.

You are responsible for all work missed while absent. See the website for a complete schedule of our class activities. Quizzes and labs should be made up at the earliest opportunity. It is your responsibility to see me to arrange a time to complete any missed quizzes or labs.

Missed tests can be made up so long as the absence email is received no later than 24 hours after the scheduled test. Missed tests must be written on the day you return. If you know ahead of time that you will miss a test (e.g. field trip), you must arrange an alternate test time in advance. In some cases, the missed test will be omitted with its weight added to the cumulative Final Exam.

Unexcused absences may result in a zero for any work missed. Absences due to vacations are considered to be unexcused absences.

Any work missed at the beginning of class can be made up for no deduction in marks only if a note (e.g. yellow administration slip) is presented with an acceptable excuse.

Late Assignments
Unless otherwise noted, assignments are due at 11:59 pm on Teams on the dates indicated on the website. Assignments which are submitted past the due date will receive a 10% deduction of marks per day. Late work must be turned in before the marked assignment is returned to the class.

Exam Security
You can review tests during class review sessions or by appointment if class time is insufficient. Removal of an exam from the classroom for any reason or copies of the exam by electronic or other means will be handled according to the school’s policy on cheating.

Academic Honesty
It is your obligation to inform yourself of the applicable standards for academic honesty. You must be aware that standards in this class may be different from those in other schools or classes. If you are in any doubt as to the standard of academic honesty on a particular assignment, then you must consult with me as soon as possible, and in no case should you submit an assignment if you are not clear on the relevant standard of academic honesty.

Cheating, which may include, but is not limited to:

    1. use of or participation in unauthorized collaborative work
    2. use or possession in an examination of any materials or devices other than those permitted by the teacher
    3. use, possession, or facilitation of unauthorized means to complete an examination (e.g. receiving unauthorized assistance from another person, or providing that assistance)
    4. obtaining or providing information concerning all or part of an exam prior to the exam
    5. altering test answers after submission for grading, altering grades after that have been awarded, or altering other academic records

Disciplinary measures which may be imposed, singly or in combination, for academic misconduct include, but are not limited to the following:

    1. a failing grade or mark of zero on the assignment or in the course
    2. contact of parents/guardian by the administration
    3. suspension from the school
    4. suspension, cancellation, or forfeiture of any scholarships, bursaries or prizes
    5. suspension, cancellation, or forfeiture of any reference letters from staff
    6. a notation of academic discipline on the student’s record